How to Tell If Shoes Are Slip Resistant?

 Slip-resistant shoes are the best when it comes to save-guarding your hard-earned money on medical bills. Hospice or health care centers are the ones who benefit from your lack of expertise and frugality.

Saving is not a bad having but pinching pennies on things that put your safety in question it is not a great idea. You must know how to tell if shoes are slip-resistant as upon it lay the burden of your safety.

The slip-resistant shoes are a must for people working in dire conditions giving them the additional safety and security that is otherwise missing. Here are a few perils of that may plague you for not getting slip-resistant boots –

Risks of NOT having Slip Resistant Boots

1.) Getting Tripped

It is one of the most potential perils that cause many a roofer to visit a hospice if they are not careful enough. You may trip over anything from loose debris to materials, leaves, branches, and even small stones!

Getting Tripped

The big thing is that all these are potential tripping hazards that may lead you to break your neck if you do not have slip-resistant boots to support you. If you do not wish to end up in a hospice it is best to buy this preventive measure!

2.) Perilous Weather

It always pays to keep a careful eye out for capricious weather conditions. Often you may counter the extremes from cold to heat, from snow to hail, from light to heavy rain but that does not mean you should fall prey to it.

Perilous Weather

By investing in the right pair of boots you can ensure that a change of climate you do not affect and trouble you at all!

3.) Slippery Surfaces

The slippery surfaces also promote a great hazard. In a rainy climate, the roof is supposed to be drenched with water. If the water does not get dried up within the limited period a layer of moss starts growing up.

Slippery Surfaces

Without proper measures, an accident is bound to happen that may be avoided by investing in a proper pair of slip-resistant boots.

4.) Electrical Hazard

It may not seem much but there is a high chance of getting electrocuted up for some when they are working, especially if the work in construction or electricity. Without the right pair of protection in place, you are vulnerable to get struck by lightning or electric line.


You may also get electrocuted by an electric socket while working. But by investing in the slip-resistant boots you would be able to just get off with minor injuries and without a visit to the medical emergency unit.

How to Recognise Slip-resistant Shoes?

Now that we have established how perilous it is for you to buy a pair of shoes that are not slip-resistant, it is time to learn how to recognize and buy them. Sellers may just put a tag on the shoe to be slip-resistant if it means that they get to sell it.

But not every shoe can claim the title of being slip-resistant! Here are a few checker pints to keep in mind before buying a slip-resistant shoe.

1.) Tread Check

Treads come in very handy when it comes to detecting slip and oil resistant. Most people do not realize how easy it is to recognize types of shoes through their tread marks. Most treads come in different shapes making it somewhat easy to recognize the shoe type as a singular tread pattern is used in different shoes.

treads in slip-resistant shoes

The treads in slip-resistant shoes come in the shape of circles or hexagons. These shapes are used to ensure that the treads can move when it comes to moving the liquid out of the shoe to prevent you from slipping or falling. The smaller or bigger tread shapes, when manufactured in the large qualities, works best when it comes to prevention of slips.

2.) The Revealing Soles

Just by examining the shape of the shoe sole you would be able to recognize the type of shoes that a seller is offering you. It may seem far-fetched but simply ensuring that the sole of your boots is flat edged you can denote that it is a slip-resistant one.

The reasoning behind it is that flat-edged soles can trap the liquid under your shoe makes you slide proof, much like the tires of the car in the rain. To ensure that you have the right pair to ensure that you have the round side soles.

3.) Putting the Grooves in Question

You may associate a tractor tire to grooves but it plays a mighty hand in differentiating the slip-resistant shoes with the ordinary ones. Slip-resistant shoes have grooves that keep the wearer in an upright position throughout the day.

shoe soles with grooves

This is very much possible because shoe soles with grooves put in them create and support the flexibility of the different shoe parts. This makes them less likely to trap in water in the inside. With the assistance of grooves present in the shoes, it is possible to channelize the liquid out of the sole while keeping you safe.

4.) Test the Bottom

It is probably one of the easiest ways to find out whether or not a certain pair of shoes works for them. It is quite simple to check out the hardness of the soles. You do not want soles that are too hard as it makes them non-malleable.

rubbery soles would stick to the ground better

If the shoe worn by you is not suitable to your conditions then it is not the one for you. Look for a rubber sole. This is primarily because the rubbery soles would stick to the ground better than others. This is possible because the sole is far more pliable as rubber is soft rather than rigidity and hardness that is the copyright of more expensive party wears.

5.) Take them on a Test Drive

Well, you do it with your car why not the same with your shoe do! If you find a shoe with seemingly right qualities it is time to put it to test. You may not be able to find a patch of wet flooring but the ultra-shiny floors of polished wood and linoleum to walk around in.

notice of how your foot moves on the polished surface

While you walk around to try to take notice of how your foot moves on the polished surface. Slide if you have too! While you are sliding ensure that your foot stays in place despite all the sliding on the floor.

If you cannot find the polished floor try to find a bench to sit and run your hand on the sole. This way you would be able to get a better understanding of the sleekness of the shoe. Remember if it is too sleek it is not the one for you.

6.) Online Shoes

If you are someone who loves getting stuff from online at a discount then things might not be as easy. It is impossible to find out the level of the sleekness of the shoe. Since you cannot touch it manually it is important to read through all the reviews before buying it.

Another thing that might be helpful is reading through the description of the shoe that is written description provided by the online store on the web-page. It is not the most trusted bit of information but reading it would give you the needed information that you require to decide between buying the shoe.

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