What to Wear on a Construction Site as a Worker?

 Starting from working with heavy machineries to carrying heavy loads to working at heights to working with temporary structures, construction sites pose a serious threat of accidents and injuries to the workers!

Therefore, workplace laws in the US impose strict laws on wearing protective equipments for the workers while working at the construction sites. The laws are put forth by the Health and Safety Executive and the laws should be backed up by the approved attire of each site.

There are particular personal protective equipments designed for each body part like the head, the skin, the hands, the feet, the eyes, etc.

And today in this article I am going to tell you in details about all the clothing and accessories that you need to wear as a construction worker for your personal safety.

For example, there are construction boots, safety glasses, high visibility vests, hard hats, etc. that are required to be worn in the construction sites for saving you from injuries ad hazards.

So, let’s get started!

Personal protective equipments which you are required to wear as a construction worker

1.) For Head protection:

Construction site involves carrying of heavy loads with the help of machineries or by the workers. In severe cases it might happen that your head might hit on any such machinery that might hover over your head or it might be that any load would fall on your head causing injuries to your head. Therefore, it is specified by law to wear a hard hat for your head protection while you are at the construction site.

How Often Should You Replace Your Hard Hat

But not all works in the construction site would require the wearing of the same hard hat. Yes, hard hats are differentiated according to their color codes wherein each color stands for a particular job. So, you need to read the regulation of your work site and decide which color hard hat should you buy as per your job in the site.

2.) For protecting the Eyes:

anti-fog safety glasses

There is also danger posed to the eyes in the construction site from the sparks of welding or the dust from the sand and cement. Therefore, it is recommended to wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from the harmful particles generated in the construction sites.

3.) For protecting the Hands:

For protecting your hands from cuts and scratches in the construction site, like while working with sharp objects, while carrying heavy loads, while working with cement, while cutting stones, while laying bricks, while putting the iron structures, etc. you should always wear safety gloves.

Work Gloves for Construction

Safety gloves help to save your hands from chemicals, burns, cuts, and provide good grip for holding equipments. There are wide ranges of safety gloves to select from according to your work type like heat resistant gloves, thermal gloves, anti-vibration gloves, rigger gloves, grip gloves, etc.

4.) For protecting the Body:

There are a number of different apparels for protecting your body in diverse situations. Let’s see what they are:

For keeping you warm:

thermal jackets for construction work in winter

To save you from the cold in winters, there are thermal jackets and hoodies available. They have insulating layers of fleece which keep the outside cold from entering your body thus keeping you warm in the chilling winters.

For saving you from accidents:

A number of accidents have been recorded in the construction site due to hit by a vehicle. This generally happens when the worker is working in the roadside and is not visible to the advancing vehicle.

Top 10 Safety Vest For Construction For Men And Women

Therefore, it becomes very essential to be seen from afar so that the driver knows that someone is standing at a distance. High visibility vests and jackets are made for this purpose. They are made of retro-reflective materials which can be seen from a far distance thus saving the wearer from any accident by a moving vehicle.

To get more information, Contact us at - https://workgearz.com/what-to-wear-on-a-construction-site-as-a-worker/


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