What to Wear on a Construction Site as a Worker?

Starting from working with heavy machineries to carrying heavy loads to working at heights to working with temporary structures, construction sites pose a serious threat of accidents and injuries to the workers! Therefore, workplace laws in the US impose strict laws on wearing protective equipments for the workers while working at the construction sites. The laws are put forth by the Health and Safety Executive and the laws should be backed up by the approved attire of each site. There are particular personal protective equipments designed for each body part like the head, the skin, the hands, the feet, the eyes, etc. And today in this article I am going to tell you in details about all the clothing and accessories that you need to wear as a construction worker for your personal safety. For example, there are construction boots, safety glasses, high visibility vests, hard hats, etc. that are required to be worn in the construction sites for saving you from injuries ad hazards. So...