Which Safety Toe Boot You Should Wear?

Are you confused between an alloy toe and a composition toe boot?
Well then your search ends here because today in this article I’m going to tell you about all the differences between an alloy toe and a composite toe and also which one is the best among the two.
Though both alloy toes and composition toes serve the basic task of providing safety to your toes yet there are a lot of differences in their construction and the amount of safety they provide to your feet.
So I’m going to do a detailed study on the working of the boots so that you can clearly make out the best boots for your feet.
The only thing you have to do is just hold on to this page for another 10 minutes To learn the truth behind the 2 types of boots.
Let’s begin:
1.) Material Alloy toe v/s Composite toe:
Material Alloy toe vs Composite toe
Alloy toes are made up of lightweight materials like aluminium and titanium or a combination of some lighter materials.
On the other hand composite toes are made up of strong non metals such as kevlar, fiberglass and carbon fiber.
2.) Weight Alloy toe v/s Composite toe:
Weight Alloy toe vs Composite toe
While composite toes are 30% lighter than the steel toe boots on the other hand alloy toe boots are 30 to 50% lighter than there steel counterparts.
3.) How much weight can they take alloy v/s composite toe:
A composite to can hold up to 1.1 metric tones or 3.5 dawns of weight. But if something terribly heavy falls on them there remains the danger of cracking of the composite toes.
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