Everyone we know own boots, even if it is a single pair. Boots are indeed a wonderful creation and we wish to buy as many as we can because they are durable, stylish, and protect our feet. With the numerous styles and varied features, it is quite tough to resist ourselves from buying them. However, the one big drawback for most boots is the strenuous break-in period. YES, Shaving cream absolutely does work to break in work boots. Many of us, including me, have tried to soften up our new leather boots using everyday products like shaving cream. And you will be pleased to know that it works wonderfully to break in boots. I have tried several types of household products on my boots at desperate times when I did not have access to any specific leather oils. Some experiments have failed, while some have worked wonders. How does shaving cream work on boots? Who would have thought that something as common as shaving cream could help soften up leather boots? Shaving cream consists o...
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