Does Gorilla Glue Work On Rubber Boots?
There is always a favorite pair of footwear that we end up wearing more than the other couples we have hoarded on over the years. And it is a natural phenomenon for them to wear out with time. The sole takes the most amount of strain. While some of us throw them out once they tear, few of us get them repaired through a cobbler or by using DIY methods. They could either do with some stitches or glue to be fixed, which I feel is a better option than getting rid of them altogether. We are familiar with the process of restoring footwear like sneakers. But, did you know that even your rubber boots can be mended if torn? There are various types of glue available in the market which you can buy to service those rubber boots on your own. Gorilla Glue is one such trusted brand that shoe experts recommend and are even used by cobblers to rehabilitate shoes. However, the question is if they work on rubber boots – the answer is YES, they do! What is Gorilla Glue? Gorilla Gl...