6 Tricks to Prevent Blisters from Steel Toe Boots | Work Gearz

Ouch! That’s the word that comes out first whenever we get a blister, right guys? Blisters are real painful! And you are sure to get them with your brand new steel toe boots sooner or later. Thank Jesus there are ways out to prevent those horrendous blisters from occurring. And today in this article I am going to tell you all about how to prevent blisters from steel toe boots just by following some easy tricks. Why wait? Let’s get started. 6 Ways to Prevent Blisters from Steel Toe Boots 1.) Start by Breaking in Your New Boots First How to Break-in Boots Boots that are not broken-in are more likely to cause blisters as they are hard and have not fitted to the shape of your feet properly. So, just don’t go out in your boots before they are broken in. Breaking in new boots isn’t any hard task if you know the exact processes check out the guide on How to break in new work boots. 2.) Precaution is Better than Cure Band-Aid Brand Adhesive Bandages, Tough-Str...